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Year 9 PSHE Curriculum

Some of the learning experiences for Year 9 include, health and safety in the home and other situations; the role and importance of communications between teenagers and parents and images; drugs and the law within the context of personal well-being and self-esteem; the role of global organisations, such as the UN; careers, aspirations and personal decision making.

What will I study?
There are six themes studied throughout PSHE. These include:

  • Term 1- Economic Education
  • Term 2 - Careers
  • Term 3 - Health Education
  • Term 4 - Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
  • Term 5 - Society
  • Term 6 – Future and Values

What skills/qualities are required?

  • Working with others.
  • Communications skills – both verbal and written. 
  • Respect and understanding of differing viewpoints.
  • Ability to work independently.

How will I learn?

Whilst PSHE is mainly taught by tutors in form time using booklets to record learning, a variety of supporting materials are also used. These include outside speakers, video clips, discussion questions and other more interactive activities.  Learning is also supported by weekly Head of Year assemblies and House assemblies.

  Topic Further details about the topic
Autumn Term

1 Economic Education

This unit look at personal finance in further detail. Students look at the history of money and how barter developed into notes and coins. Students also look as the money coaster game which simulates spending in real life. Finally, the unit ends with students thinking creatively and developing an app. They must thin k about start up costs for this business and investments they may need.

Lesson titles:

  1. The History of money.
  2. The Money Roller Coaster Board Game
  3. Money in the real world. 

Understanding of the history of money and why it developed.

Ability to understand how spending works and the impact this has on budgets

Understanding of basic business costs and the investments needed to start a business.

2 Careers

This unit encourages students to think more deeply into their career aspirations. This unit also develops an understanding of how to apply for jobs and where to find local adverts. The unit finishes with a look at life skills.

Lesson titles:

  1. Your future
  2. Applying for jobs
  3. Life skills

Understanding of skills and some qualifications needed for future job roles

Understanding of 21st Century skills. This includes problem solving, creativity and communication.

Understanding of what is involved when applying for jobs.

Spring Term

3 Health

This section focuses on health and its importance in our lives. Students look at healthy living and mental health. Personal hygiene is also discussed along with viruses; how they can be spread and how they can be prevented.

Lesson titles:

  1. Healthy living
  2. Managing emotions and anxiety
  3. Health and prevention

During this term students are also given lessons on basic first aid.

At this stage students look at:

  • Basic first aid recap
  • What is CPR?
  • Performing CPR
  • What is a defibrillator
  • Public access defibrillator

Understanding of what healthy living means

Ability to understand how to control emotions and what anxiety looks and feels like

Importance of personal hygiene

Understanding how to prevent illness.

Students should understand what CPR is

Students should know how to perform CPR in an emergency

Students should know what a public access defibrillator is and how to access this if needed. 

4 Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

This unit develops understanding from previous years further. The unit starts with further discussion on types of relationships, this looks at unhealthy relations in more detail. Different types of sexual assault are discussed including forced marriage and rape. There is also a section on sexuality and gender. Consent and underage sex are also now explored as well as pregnancy and parenting skills.

Lesson titles:

  1. Healthy versus unhealthy relationships
  2. Sexuality and Gender Identity
  3. Underage sex and consent.
  4. Pregnancy and parenting.

Ability to identify a healthy relationship opposed to an unhealthy one.

Understanding the law around different types of sexual assault and where to seek support.

Understanding the facts and law about sex, sexuality and gender identity.

Understanding the legal age of consent and what consent means in relationships.

Understanding of what options are available when a woman is pregnant.

Understanding of how important parenting skills are when raising a family.

Summer Term

5 Society

This unit looks at UN children rights and what these involve. The second lesson looks at The British Empire and how this impacted on lots of different countries. Finally, this unit finishes with discussions on Brexit and its impact on society now and in the future.

Lesson titles:

  1. It’s my right!
  2. The Empire Rules
  3. Democracy in Action
  4. Protected Characteristics

An understanding of the UN and the children’s rights.

Understanding and acknowledgement of the impacts of the British Empire.

Understanding the impacts of Brexit now and in the future.

6 Future and Values

This unit provides students an opportunity to reflect on the previous academic year alongside the school values. Students are encouraged to acknowledge accomplishments they are proud of and areas they would like to focus on improving next year as they look to start KS4 in year 10. Students also take this unit to think about the next years and set themselves targets to aim for.

Lesson titles:

  1. Your Values Shape Your Future
  2. Value Profiles
  3. Your Values into Key Stage 4

Recognising accomplishments and how these should be celebrated.

Ability to identify areas of improvement.

Ability to set meaningful targets.


Where Next
