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Welcome to the Examination area

Within the Exam's Office area of this website we aim to provide students and parents with the tools and information which we hope will be both useful and informative. Application forms for exam re-sits, Access to Scripts (ATS) as well as Reviews of Results (RoRs) will be available and updated as each exam season changes. This page will also provide exam timetable dates for the next set of exams to be sat by our students as well as a list of key dates.

There is excellent information about the rules around examinations available here from the Joint Council for Examinations:

Information for Candidates 

Most recent A level Examination Results 2023

Subject # A* A B C D E U Ave. Pts
Art 4 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 42.50
Business Studies 34 2 5 13 8 4 1 1 35.59
Economics 39 5 7 15 10 2 0 0 40.26
Computer Science 12 2 1 5 4 0 0 0 40.83
Drama 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 30.00
Product Design 7 1 1 4 1 0 0 0 42.86
English Language & Literature 15 0 1 4 8 2 0 0 32.67
English Literature 9 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 51.11
Geography 26 0 3 13 9 1 0 0 36.92
History 14 2 5 6 1 0 0 0 45.00
Further Maths 24 8 8 4 2 1 0 0 48.70
Mathematics 67 29 20 14 4 0 0 0 51.04
French 7 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 47.14
German 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 50.00
Spanish 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 45.00
Music 6 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 36.67
Physical Education 13 0 3 6 1 1 2 0 35.38
Politics 13 3 2 6 1 0 1 0 42.31
Psychology 34 3 3 13 8 6 1 0 35.88
Biology 24 7 3 6 7 1 0 0 43.33
Chemistry 24 9 3 6 3 2 1 0 44.58
Physics 46 7 10 16 9 3 1 0 41.30
Summary 425 84 87 141 81 23 7 1 42.29
    30% 28% 22% 14% 4% 1% 0%  

Most recent Core Mathematics Level 3 2023

Subject # A B C D E U Ave. Pts
Core Mathematics 7 2 3 1 0 1 0 37.14

Most recent Level 3 Cambridge Technicals 2023

Subject # D* D M U Ave. Pts
Information technology 6 3 2 1 0 40.83

Most recent London Institute of Banking & Finance 2023

Subject # A* A B C D E U Ave. Pts
Finance 37 0 7 20 7 1 1 1 32.0

Most recent GCSE Examination Results 2023

Subject # 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 % Pass rate
Art 19 0 3 6 5 1 4 0 0 0 100
Business 120 13 21 20 35 17 8 3 2 1 100
Computer Science 46 3 6 3 5 6 9 10 4 0 100
Design & Technology 27 3 3 12 5 0 2 2 0 0 100
Food 26 4 3 6 8 3 2 0 0 0 100
English Language 180 13 28 48 46 30 9 6 0 0 100
English Literature 177 19 29 43 56 20 7 3 0 0 100
Geography 75 10 14 16 18 12 5 0 0 0 100
History 128 15 29 29 25 17 8 4 0 0 99
Further Mathematics 55 21 17 8 7 1 0 0 0 0 98
Mathematics 180 43 41 39 30 24 3 0 0 0 100
French 52 16 8 7 4 15 2 0 0 0 100
German 73 9 10 10 13 15 14 2 0 0 100
Music 32 4 3 5 7 8 5 0 0 0 97
Physical Education 48 1 9 13 16 7 0 2 0 0 100
Religious Education 14 3 2 3 3 1 2 0 0 0 100
Biology 162 47 22 29 43 17 3 0 0 0 99
Chemistry 162 34 38 25 35 22 7 0 0 0 99
Physics 162 56 41 27 22 12 4 0 0 0 100
Summary   314 323 351 384 229 94 32 6 1 100

Most recent Double Science 2023

Subject # 9 8 7 >6 5 4 3 2 1 % Pass rate
Trilogy 36 0 0 3 7 14 9 1 0 0 94

Most recent Level 2 Cambridge Technicals 2023

Subject # L2 - D* L2 - D L2 - M L2 - P L1 - D L1 - M L1 - P % Pass rate
iMedia 52 1 15 16 14 3 3 0 100

Summer Exams

Contingency dates for Summer 2024 examinations

  • Tuesday 6 June PM
  • Thursday 13 June PM
  • Wednesday 26 June all day

Exam results days

  • GCE A Level Thursday 15 August
  • GCSE Thursday 22 August

If you are unable to collect your examination results in person, and you wish to nominate someone to collect them on your behalf or have them e-mailed to you, please complete the following MS form

Please be advised as the examination results pertain to the student, only the student or someone nominated by the student on the above form can collect the results, this includes parents.

JCQ Exam Information for Candidates

Information for candidates documents - JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications

JCQ Special Consideration process

Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration - JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications

Instructions for Candidates

Below is a short video which informs students of the instructions they should be aware of ahead of an examination series

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