
Head of Department: Mr Robert Wicks
Curriculum Intent
Students studying Biology at King’s are taken on a journey in Biology from the very small to the very large. They start their discovery with the use of microscopes in Year 7 to learning about cells and microscopic organisms and build to the larger as they study organs of the body through class demonstrations, carry out practical work to understand how animals and plants function in order to survive and become environmentally aware by analysing changes and interdependencies in ecosystems.
Teaching of the subject throughout the school encompasses a number of approaches. Practical work is vital to strengthening students’ understanding of topics, we use regular opportunities to engage students using this type of activity. Group discussion tasks develop a more open-ended style towards learning, as the students can discuss ideas more freely and build up ideas before presenting them back. We also use ICT based activities where appropriate and GCSE and A level students have access to an online resource called Kerboodle. On top of these, students will experience teacher led presentations and demonstrations, short video clips, whole class discussion, extended writing tasks, debating and group presentations.
Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. It looks at the worlds of both plants and animals, including humans, and the greater environment within which they interact and survive. We help students to appreciate the numerous links that can be made between different biological areas, separate branches of the sciences and other curriculum areas, in order to give pupils a relevant and comprehensive appreciation of the subject.
The school has 3 main Biology Science rooms although the subject is also delivered in a number of other science rooms.
The teaching staff are supported by a Biology technician.
Additional Information
Biology is taught as part of a Key Stage 3 Science course during Years 7 and 8, whereas in Year 9 students begin a programme of study based around GCSE Biology. They will be taught by a subject specialist from Year 9 following the AQA GCSE Biology specification. The GCSE course provides a broad and balanced learning experience that becomes more challenging over each year. It provides students with a fantastic grounding for A level Biology which also follows the AQA Biology specification.