We ask parents to contact the school on 01476 563180 by 8.45am on the first day of absence and indicate the likely date of the student’s return to school. Parents should contact the school on each subsequent day that the student is absent. A message can be left before 8.30am.
In the event of a late arrival of a student that is known (dental appointment, medical appointment etc.) parents should send a note to inform the school. The student should report to the School Office on arrival at the school.
In the event of a late arrival of a student that is unforeseen, parents should make every attempt to contact the school, but where this is not possible, a note should be sent with the student to explain the reason for the absence. It is up to the school to decide whether it is an authorised absence.
We ask parents to notify the school in good time (usually not less than five working days) of any absence known in advance.
Parents should also provide signed and dated notes for all absences. The letter should be signed and dated, ensuring that the student’s surname, form and relevant dates of absence are included. The letter should be handed to the Form Tutor immediately on their son’s return to school. The Form Tutor will forward to the School Office for administration staff to enter on SIMS. Alternatively a parent may telephone the school to explain the absence.