Fundraising - Regular Giving
King’s is at an exciting juncture in its history. The Head Master and Governors are strongly committed to improving the school for future generations.
There are many ways in which we can all help to ensure the school is as good as it can be for today’s pupils and future generations.
If you haven't yet registered with easyfundraising to help support us, sign up right now at easy fund raising and you'll receive one entry into the draw just by registering!
The money raised by our Regular Giving Scheme makes a real and positive contribution to the education of your boys. Since the scheme was launched several years ago, participants have committed over £1000,000. Many of you have also ‘gift aided’. This money goes directly into making improvements to the school and its facilities, which in turn improves the education and environment for our boys.
As I am sure you can appreciate, the majority of the school budget is accounted for by the day to day running costs of the King's School, such as utilities, staff costs, buildings and ground maintenance. All of these leave only a relatively small amount, circa £80k, available for the heads of the teaching departments to provide the equipment, such as text books and curriculum items, to share between them.
We believe it to be our duty to provide the best possible opportunities for your boys. We have a good basis on which to work - a committed staff and an excellent record of achievement - but we also believe that we must constantly strive to enrich the experiences of our students so that they may gain the maximum benefit from their final years at school.
During the last year, many improvements have been made to the school and its facilities, and this has been possible for a number of reasons:
- the school is committed to actively seeking grants and funding opportunities;
- the continued support of our PTFA and their fund-raising activities;
- and, very importantly, by the committed donations by an ever-increasing number of parents and carers to our Regular Giving Scheme (which can also be gift aided).
This year we are in need of further funding to support improvements to the older areas of the school.
These all fall outside the current fund-raising activities; however, they are all very important for the boys. This is where you can really help. Regular giving really does make a difference to your boy’s future.
We would hope that each family feels it could contribute something to the school. For example if you gift aid £10 per month we can claim back the tax you have paid, so the school will receive £12.50 for every £10 you give.
This covenanting system protects your confidentiality. We recognise some parents will be unable to help us in this way. However, please remember that every penny helps. If every family contributed at a rate of £10 per month, the school could be transformed.
Please help us to enrich your boy’s school days. Your boys have only one opportunity at this school and deserve the best we can provide. Your contribution can make a huge difference.