31 September 2024 Bi-Termly Meeting
Present: In Person - Vice Chair VS, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members MS-M, MT, SG, TE, MT, PB, ET-C, SR and KB.
Via Teams: BP and SH.
Apologies from: ED, AV, DW, BS, AM, LE, ST, SF, SN and NG.
Discussion Points
Treasurers Info
- Confirmation of £8,559.66 in the bank account. (Treasure’s account £3,492.33 plus Instant Account £5,067.33).
- BP has analysed and summarised the Summer Ball records going back to 2012. Details to be shared separately.
- Uniform sales are continuing to bring in a steady stream of income. (£192 in the last quarter)
- Outstanding action carried over from the last meeting: Charity Commission: should this be the responsibility of either the secretary or the treasurer. To be discussed at the next meeting.
Funding Raising
- Winter Ball 2025 – Proposed date from school is 11 October 2025.
- Easter Choc Fest – school proposed 03 April 2025. PTFA accepted.
- SP has approached Arena UK and Stoke Rochford Hall for venue costs for future events.
- Summer events discussed: cheese & wine, gin evenings, anything which is simple & easy to arrange.
- SP suggested the summer cricket match event and if asked if we could jump on the back of this event. To be discussed at the next meeting.
School Funding Requests
- The House Heads have requested £800 for x3 refurbished PS4’s and 2 new controllers. Approved.
- SP confirmed that the previous approved requests from the Drama club for equipment (£317.83) and the library for manga books (£225.29) have been paid out.
- A carry over request for another x30 French dictionaries. Left on the minutes as to be reviewed again in 2025.
Gold Club Card Report
- VS confirmed that she had received a letter from Lloyd’s bank saying the account will be changed to a community account in January 2025. There will be a cost of £4 p/month for the account and transaction costs (£0.10 per STO and £0.50 per cheque. Estimate £60 p/annum.
- VS confirmed that despite a plea on social media unfortunately the recent Gold Card winners have not been found (D P Mann, H E Scorer and R C Harris). The Gold Card will therefore be re-drawn.
Outstanding Prizes from the summer ball
ED confirmed we have not had a reply from a M L Brown who won the £40 Everest Inn voucher. This voucher will therefore be included in the Winter Raffle.
Second Hand Uniform Report
- TE confirmed the second-hand uniform sales are ticking over nicely and we are receiving 1-2 enquiries a week.
Choc Fest (18 December 2024)
- PTFA volunteers on the day confirmed as BS, ED, AD, LE, JC, KB, MT and SG.
- Raffle tickets needed (x4 colours). VS to order whatever is needed/missing. BP and JC arranging some coins. JC has the sum up machines.
- KB to share the list of volunteers with school. KB to ask school what they have already (think there may a box of kit somewhere with Sellotape, raffle ticket containers etc.) and liaise with VS to purchase what is missing.
Any Other Business
- Request for a formal letter of thanks for raffle donations (on Kings headed paper). SP agreed.
- Request for a formal letter on Kings headed paper for raffle donations (needed for Melton Cinema). SP agreed.
- Meal out in January – suggestions are The Everest Inn, Siam Gardens, Katana, The Angel & Royal, Gurkha square, Prezzo or anywhere else. Kerry to share the list on the WhatsApp group for voting.
Diary Dates
This School Year PTFA meetings: All meetings are held at 6.30 pm in the Library.
- PTFA 4 Thursday 9th January 2025 (Anual Meal)
- PTFA 5 Tuesday 25th February 2025
- PTFA 6 Thursday 24th April 2025
- PTFA 6 Tuesday 3rd June 2025