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31 September 2024 Bi-Termly Meeting



Present: In Person - Vice Chair VS, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members MS-M, MT, SG, TE, MT, PB, ET-C, SR and KB.

Via Teams: BP and SH.

Apologies from: ED, AV, DW, BS, AM, LE, ST, SF, SN and NG.

Discussion Points

Treasurers Info

  1. Confirmation of £8,559.66 in the bank account. (Treasure’s account £3,492.33 plus Instant Account £5,067.33).
  2. BP has analysed and summarised the Summer Ball records going back to 2012. Details to be shared separately.   
  3. Uniform sales are continuing to bring in a steady stream of income. (£192 in the last quarter)


  1. Outstanding action carried over from the last meeting: Charity Commission: should this be the responsibility of either the secretary or the treasurer. To be discussed at the next meeting.

Funding Raising

  1. Winter Ball 2025 – Proposed date from school is 11 October 2025.
  2. Easter Choc Fest – school proposed 03 April 2025. PTFA accepted. 
  3. SP has approached Arena UK and Stoke Rochford Hall for venue costs for future events.  
  4. Summer events discussed: cheese & wine, gin evenings, anything which is simple & easy to arrange.
  5. SP suggested the summer cricket match event and if asked if we could jump on the back of this event. To be discussed at the next meeting.  

School Funding Requests

  1. The House Heads have requested £800 for x3 refurbished PS4’s and 2 new controllers.  Approved.
  2. SP confirmed that the previous approved requests from the Drama club for equipment (£317.83) and the library for manga books (£225.29) have been paid out.  


  1. A carry over request for another x30 French dictionaries. Left on the minutes as to be reviewed again in 2025.

Gold Club Card Report

  1. VS confirmed that she had received a letter from Lloyd’s bank saying the account will be changed to a community account in January 2025. There will be a cost of £4 p/month for the account and transaction costs (£0.10 per STO and £0.50 per cheque. Estimate £60 p/annum.  
  2. VS confirmed that despite a plea on social media unfortunately the recent Gold Card winners have not been found (D P Mann, H E Scorer and R C Harris). The Gold Card will therefore be re-drawn.

Outstanding Prizes from the summer ball

ED confirmed we have not had a reply from a M L Brown who won the £40 Everest Inn voucher. This voucher will therefore be included in the Winter Raffle.

Second Hand Uniform Report

  1. TE confirmed the second-hand uniform sales are ticking over nicely and we are receiving 1-2 enquiries a week.

Choc Fest (18 December 2024)

  1. PTFA volunteers on the day confirmed as BS, ED, AD, LE, JC, KB, MT and SG.  
  2. Raffle tickets needed (x4 colours). VS to order whatever is needed/missing. BP and JC arranging some coins. JC has the sum up machines.  


  • KB to share the list of volunteers with school. KB to ask school what they have already (think there may a box of kit somewhere with Sellotape, raffle ticket containers etc.) and liaise with VS to purchase what is missing.

Any Other Business

  1. Request for a formal letter of thanks for raffle donations (on Kings headed paper). SP agreed.
  2. Request for a formal letter on Kings headed paper for raffle donations (needed for Melton Cinema). SP agreed.
  3. Meal out in January – suggestions are The Everest Inn, Siam Gardens, Katana, The Angel & Royal, Gurkha square, Prezzo or anywhere else. Kerry to share the list on the WhatsApp group for voting.  

Diary Dates

This School Year PTFA meetings: All meetings are held at 6.30 pm in the Library.

  1. PTFA 4 Thursday 9th January 2025 (Anual Meal)
  2. PTFA 5 Tuesday 25th February 2025
  3. PTFA 6 Thursday 24th April 2025
  4. PTFA 6 Tuesday 3rd June 2025

Where Next
