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25 September 2024 Annual General Meeting



In Person: Chair Elli Dean, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members SH, VS, SM, SKL, CP, AM, AF, SR, LE, PB, SM, KB, BP, AP, BS.  

Via Teams: SM, NG.  

Apologies from: DW, SG, JC, MT, AV, SN, SY.

Election of Officers

Role Elected Proposed Seconded
Chair Elli Dean TE PB
Vice Chair VS ED KB
Treasurer BP ED PB
Assistant Treasurer JC KC ED
Secretary KB ED TE
Gold Card VS ED KB
Assistant Gold Card MS VS ED
Uniform Shop TE ED PB
Assistant Uniform Shop SH TE ED
Health and Safety ET-C ED KB

Chair’s Report

It has been another good year culminating in the summer ball. ED welcomed the new faces and explained the role of the PTFA.

Treasurer’s Report

BP talked through the annual accounts. These were approved and are ready to share with the charity commission.

BP proposed that going forwards the Gold Card accounts are also included for transparency and requested to be able to view the balances. VS to try and go paperless.  

Action(s): BP to confirm the profits from the summer ball so they can be compared with previous years. BP to ask AV ref the query on the band payment (possibly £350) for the summer ball in 2023. KB to share previous years ball profits data with Benita.

Gold Card Report

The gold card was explained. VS confirmed we have had 59 new sign ups this year which is a record year. MS offered to help VS which was kindly accepted.

The prizes for the previous 4 prize winners have been sent. We still need to find the 3 earlier people (D P Mann, H E Scorer and R C Harris). VS confirmed the next bands of prizes will increase to £80 and £600 due to the uptake in numbers. The Gold Card account balance is £3,300.

DBS Checks

The headmaster asked if those who would like to hold a DBS with the school (very helpful for events such as Choc Fest) to contact the school.

Action(s): PB to chase up her DBS with Louise. Others to contact Louise directly.

New funding requests

Simon relayed the thanks from the teachers for the recent funding requests.

NG suggested whether the people who run the clubs/societies could meet the PTFA. Simon confirmed he would speak to the Sixth Form about this. SR suggested the PTFA could research the societies and then be proactive in offering support.

Choc Fest

Volunteers needed for Choc Fest on Monday 18 December 09:30 until 14:00.

Second Hand Uniform

TE explained the process. SH offered to help TE with this which was kindly accepted. 


The next fundraiser is the winter raffle. Louise (School) has emailed parents asking for donations. NG has set up a shared spreadsheet to log all the prizes. ED confirmed she still has the £40 Everest Inn voucher which wasn’t claimed at the summer ball, so this can be included in the winter raffle.

Action(s): All to progress and update on the WhatsApp group. 

PTFA Meeting Diary Dates

All meetings are held at 6.30 pm in the library.

  • PTFA 3 Thursday 31 October 2024
  • PTFA 4 Thursday 9 January 2025
  • PTFA 5 Tuesday 25 February 2025
  • PTFA 6 Thursday 24 April 2025
  • PTFA 6 Tuesday 3 June 2025


  • Annual Meal – proposed date is Thursday 9th January.

Next AGM

  • Provisionally booked in for 24th September 2025

Where Next
