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GCSE Physical Education Years 10 & 11


AQA - The specification and assessment structure can be found at the link:

What will I study?

Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport

What is assessed?

  • Applied anatomy and physiology
  • Movement analysis
  • Physical training
  • Use of data

Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport

What is assessed?

  • Sports psychology
  • Socio-cultural influences
  • Health, fitness and well-being
  • Use of data

Non-exam assessment: Practical performance in physical activity and sport

What is assessed?

  • Practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer (one in a team activity, one in an individual activity and a third in either a team or in an individual activity).

What Skills and qualities are required?

  • High competence in at least 3 different sports.
  • Genuine interest in the physiological and psychological elements of sport.
  • An understanding of the administration and structure of sporting opportunities for young athletes.
  • Ability to relate theoretical study to the practical environment.

How will I learn?

The course will be assessed on both theory and practical ability. Lessons will be divided between the two disciplines in line with priority as the two years progress. Students will be given a detailed scheme of work for the theory at the start of the course. Student will also receive an outline of the practical framework with the necessary assessment points in the first week of the course.

How will I be assessed?

Theory - Two written exams lasting 1 hour 15 minutes each. Each paper carries 78 marks and is worth 30% of the final GCSE.  There is a mixture of multiple choice, short and extended answer questions.

Non-Exam Assessment - Assessed by teachers and moderated by AQA.  This is marked out of 100 and is worth 40% of the GCSE.

Where could it lead?

Teaching, Physiotherapy, Sports Administration, Medicine, Sports Psychology and many more.

Year 10

  Topic Further details about the topic Skills
Autumn Term
1 Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Musculo-Skeletal system
Cardiac system
Respiratory system
Vasculature: structure and function

Development of knowledge of gross anatomical structures
Application of knowledge to sporting situations


Practical Block 1

Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement

Football/Rugby practical
Movements in the human body
Planes and axis of motion
Lever systems in sport
Newton’s Laws of motion (linear)

Football/Rugby Practical Skills
Applying basic biomechanical principles to sport and exercise

Spring Term

Practical Block 2

Principles of Training

Handball practical
Components of fitness
FITT and SPOR principles
Types of training
Fitness testing
Injury and rehabilitation
The competitive year


Handball practical skills
Evaluating the use of training for different performers


2 Principles of Training
Summer Term
1 Practical Block 3

Athletics practical

Athletics practical skills


Sports Psychology

Skill and ability
Skill Classification
Goal setting
Basic information processing

The Inverted-U theory of arousal
Antecedents of arousal
Stress management techniques

Evaluation of psychological theories applied to sport

Year 11

  Topic Further details about the topic Skills
Autumn Term

Sports Psychology

The Inverted-U theory of arousal
Antecedents of arousal
Stress management techniques

Evaluation of psychological theories applied to sport


NEA Written Coursework:

Evaluating and Improving Performance

Completion of written coursework
Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of performance
Developing a plan to improve weaknesses

Evaluating performance in sport, applying theoretical content to improve performance

Spring Term

The Use of Data in Sport

Socio-Cultural Factors

Types of data
Methods of data collection
Presentation of data
Social groups and factors affecting participation

Drawing and interpreting tables, graphs and charts

Evaluating socio-cultural elements linking to performance in under-represented groups


Socio-Cultural Factors

Diet and Nutrition

Technology in sport
Performance enhancing drugs
Spectator behaviour

Analysis of the relationship between sport, sponsorship and the media
Evaluation of how technology is changing sport and performance
Analysis of effects of PEDs and why athletes take them
Evaluating the effectiveness of strategies to combat hooliganism

Summer Term

Practical Moderation Preparation


Practical skills practice
Revision of theoretical content

All key skills practiced


Resources Topic Type of assessment

Anatomy and Physiology, Biomechanics

Teacher Assessment
CAT 2 Anatomy and Physiology, Biomechanics, Principles of Training Teacher Assessment
CAT 3 End of Year Exam – All Year 10 Content

End of Year Examination


All Year 10 Content

Sports Psychology
Teacher Assessment

Year 11 Mock – All content To Date

Two Full GCSE PE Papers
Teacher Assessment
CAT 6 All GCSE PE Theory Content End of Year Examination

Main Resources

Resource Details Term
Text books

AQA Physical Education  3rd Edition
Kirk Bizley, 2016 ( Oxford University Press)


Recommended Reading

As above

Recommended websites


Enrichment opportunities

Please see the Extra Curricular programme  

Where Next
