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26 June 2024 Bi-Termly Meeting



Present: In Person - Chair Elli Dean, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members PB, KB, SR, MT, SG, BS, AV, LE, SN

Via Teams: NG, SH-C, SM and BP

Apologies from: TE, KT, SY, DW, JC, VS, SH and ET-C

Discussion Points

Treasurers Info

  1. Confirmation of £7,268.92 in the PTFA bank account.
  2. Uniform sales are bring in a steady stream of income.
  3. Resolution signed and witnessed removing old PTFA members (KS, NH and JR) as signatories and adding YD, BP, JC and KB. AV to remain as a signatory until the transition from himself to BP and JC is complete.
  4. Charity Commission: AV confirmed the system has changed recently. He will share the info with BP, JC, YD and KB.
  5. Treasurers handover: AV handed over his files to Simon. To be passed on to BP.
  6. Sum up machine – JC & BP investigated the best options and Jo has purchased 2 new machines. Simon confirmed these cannot be used using the school Wi-Fi and will have to be connected via the PTFA members personal hotspot.
  7. NG has also created a backup QR code for school uniform sales.
  8. Another QR code can be created for payments on the table at the ball.


  1. JC to set up TE and PB users so one can be used at the open evening on 1 July.
  2. KB to share school uniform sales QR code with LB (school secretary) so it can be used on 1st July also.
  3. Charity Commission: should be the responsibility of either the secretary or the treasurer. To be discussed.

School Funding Requests

  1. Alton Towers additional bus required. Cost £780. Approved in between meetings.
  2. The French department requested £250 for catering costs for a French inter school debating challenge. Approved.
  3. The French department requested x30 dictionaries. Cost £314.70. Approved.
  4. The Warhammer club requested £400 for some new figures. Approved.


A second request for another x30 French dictionaries. To be reviewed again in the next school year.  

Gold Club Card Report

MT and VS are meeting up later this week to sign cheques.

Second Hand Uniform Report

  1. TE confirmed the current process is still working well and sales are ticking over.
  2. PTFA to sell second hand uniform on the New Entrants Parents Evening on 1 July. Tamsin requested for 1 volunteer to help. Thanks to PB and TE for kindly volunteering.

Any Other Business

  1. Parentkind: Confirmed membership has been purchased. Benefits include Public Liability, various documentations etc... Link here for your perusal  YD has the log in details and can share.
  2. Ollie’s barn – Simon has not yet had time to visit the venue yet. Lost connections over Teams. OC suggested early September.
  3. Alton Towers school trip: the school needs 2 PTFA members with valid DBC checks to help on the day. Thanks to YD and SG who have kindly volunteered. 


  1. Ollie’s barn: Simon will be in touch with OC and SH-C.
  2. If the date in early September is chosen, then an interim meeting will be needed as this was the last PTFA meeting of the school year.

Diary Dates

  1. Summer Ball: Saturday 6 July 2024
  2. Next School Year PTFA meeting: TBC


Simon to send KB the meeting dates for the next school year.

Where Next
