04 June 2024 Bi-termly Meeting
Present: In Person: Chair Elli Dean, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members Paula, Jo, Kerry, Elena, Sunju, Ollie and Tamsin.
Via Teams: Nick, Sally and Benita.
Apologies from: Vicky, Sarah, Sabeen, Michelle, Steph, Sandra, Donna, Adam, Shona and Lynne.
Discussion Points
Treasurers Information
- Confirmation of £8,299.77 in the PTFA bank account.
- Progress on Adam setting up Elli set up as signatory and with delegated access to use online banking, make payments, sign cheques etc and Kerry with read-only access for transparency. No update.
- Ref Treasurer’s handover from Adam to Benita and Jo – No progress yet.
- Sum up machine – Ollie set up the account (linked to PTFA bank account), no card reader, can be used on any mobile device by multiple users.
- Kerry to share details needed for transfer of Treasurer’s role with Benita and Jo so Adam can progress.
- Jo and Benita to investigate the cost of a sum-up machine.
School Funding Requests:
- Mr Lond requested portable stage lights plus x4 LED uplighters. Will be used for school events. Total cost £67 Approved via WhatsApp a couple of weeks earlier.
- No new funding requests.
Gold Club Card Report:
No update.
Second Hand Uniform Report
- Tamsin confirmed the current process is still working well.
- PTFA to sell second-hand uniform on the New Entrants' Parents Evening on 1st July.
- Request for 1 volunteer to help.
Summer Ball (Saturday 6th July 2024)
Summary of Donations
- Voucher for The Everest Inn Grantham.
- Voucher for Grantham Beauty Rooms.
- A voucher for 1hr of pickleball at Grantham Tennis club (for 4 or 8 people / weekend only booking)
- Two tickets for the Hidden Food Tours in Melton Mowbray.
- A £100 Marks and Spencer’s voucher
- A £50 Food/drink voucher from Moleface
- x2 tickets for a Murrayfield International
- Langar Skydive
- Grantham town football club – 4 tickets
Await confirmation:
- Train tickets from LNER (Tamsin), Cropwell Cheese (Nick/Lynne), England Rugby (Tamsin (expect something / not tickets)), Morrisons (Shona), Local MP (Tamsin)
- Other: An Amazon or a High Street Voucher from the PTFA.
Only 24 bookings to date (as at 4 June). We need 50 to make it viable.
- Tickets sales - we need 50 to make it viable.
- Elli to ask all PTFA members to purchase their tickets before the end of the week.
- All PTFA members who have/are on a year’s WhatsApp group to promote the ball.
- Simon to arrange for the school to contact all parents plus the new Y6 parents again.
- Simon also to ask if any teachers would like to attend.
- Online raffle – Nick and Benita to arrange.
- Donations above – when confirmed need splitting into online or in person prizes.
- Menu choices – deadline mid-June.
Any Other Business
- Parentkind: Discussions on buying membership.
- Ollie’s barn – is now ready to host a barn dance. Simon invited to view the venue with a view to holding a fundraising event in the next school year. Joint profit split between the PTFA and Ollie’s mental health charity.
- Parentkind – Kerry to provide a summary for review at the next meeting.
- Ollie’s barn – to be put on the agenda for 26 June meeting.
Diary Dates
PTFA meeting: 6.15/6.30pm Wednesday 26 June 2024
Summer Ball: Saturday 6 July 2024