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A level Physical Education Years 12 & 13


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AQA - The specification and assessment structure can be found at the link:

Subject content

  1. Applied anatomy and physiology.
  2. Skill acquisition.
  3. Sport and society.
  4. Exercise physiology.
  5. Biomechanical movement.
  6. Sport psychology.
  7. Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport.

Paper 1: Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport

A 2 hour written examination worth 35% of the A Level PE.

  • Section A: Applied anatomy and physiology.
  • Section B: Skill acquisition.
  • Section C: Sport and society.

Paper 2: Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport

A 2 hour written examination worth 35% of the A Level PE.

  • Section A: Excercise physiology and biomechanics.
  • Section B: Sport psychology.
  • Section C: Sport and society and technology in sport.

Non-Exam Assessment (NEA): Practical performance in physical activity and sport

An internal assessment worth 30% of the A Level PE which is moderated externally. Students are assessed as a performer or coach in the full sided version of one activity.

In addition there will be written/verbal analysis of performance.

Year 12

  Topic Further details about the topic Skills
Autumn Term

Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Skill Acquisition
Musculo-skeletal system
Movement analysis
Cardiac system
Neural control
Information Processing, including mechanisms of motor control
Stimulus-Response relationship

Knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Application of anatomical and physiological principles to sport and exercise

Knowledge of key motor control theories
Application of theory to sporting examples


Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Skill Acquisition

The vasculature
Respiratory system

Skill: Classification, Transfer, Practice
Theories of Learning

Knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Application of anatomical and physiological principles to sport and exercise

Applying skill classification and justifying the nature of skills in sport
Evaluation of learning theory and their relationship with talent development

Spring Term
1 Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Biomechanics (Linear), Skill Acquisition

Newton’s Laws
Centre of mass and stability
Biomechanical levers

Introduction to the two-tier class system
Characteristics of recreation, including popular and rational
Mob football & Real tennis case studies

Application of linear mechanics to sport and exercise
Evaluation of how mechanical and physiological factors combine for successful performance

Knowledge and understanding of the pathway of sporting development
Application of case studies and their role in society


Diet and Nutrition for Performance, Principles of Training, History of Sport

Components of diet
Supplements and substrate loading
Types of training
Principles of effective training

Industrial and Post-Industrial Britain; the development of sport

Evaluation of effective training methods and programmes
Understanding the importance of a balanced diet and moderation of diet for performance

Evaluation of the factors affecting the rationalisation and codification of sport.

Summer Term

Opportunities for Participation

Society and socialisation 
Social groupings 
Cultural influences on participation

Industrial and Post-Industrial Britain; the development of sport

Applying social theory to sport and participation

Evaluation of the factors affecting the rationalisation and codification of sport


Opportunities for Participation

Under-represented groups
Strategies to increase participation

Altitude training
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
High Intensity Interval Training

The Golden Triangle
Amateur and Professional sport
Elite female emergence

Applying social theory to sport and participation

Evaluating the effectiveness of advanced training methods

Knowledge and application of the roles of the media, sponsorship and business

Year 13

  Topic Further details about the topic Skills
Autumn Term

Applied Exercise Physiology

Sports Psychology

Training principles: review 
Energy Systems: ATP-PC, Lactate system,   Aerobic
Recovery from exercise: EPOC, OBLA
Gender differences in elite and non-elite athletes
VO2 Max, RER

Personality and sport
Arousal in sport
The effect of anxiety 
Aggression in sport
Motivation and achievement motivation theory 

Knowledge of the key methods of energy production and the application of energy production to sport and exercise
Comparison of gender and performance
Methods of measures of performance

Evaluation of how psychological theories impact performance


Applied Exercise Physiology

Sports Psychology

Written Coursework

Diet: review
Muscle fibre types: review
Ergogenic aids

Social facilitation
Group dynamics
Goal setting
Attitudes of performers
Attribution theory

Evaluation of methods to promote performance and recovery with diet

Evaluation of how psychological theories impact performance

Spring Term

Biomechanics (Linear and Angular)

Sports Psychology

Impulse/momentum relationship
Newton’s Laws: review of linear, Newton’s Laws (angular)
Projectile motion
Injuries and Recovery

Self-efficacy and confidence 
Stress Management

Application of linear and angular mechanical principles to sport
Evaluation of factors affecting optimum release of projectiles

Evaluation of how psychological theories impact performance


Injury Prevention and Treatment, Advanced Training methods

Sports Psychology

Governing bodies
Factors affecting the development of elite performance

Ethics in sport, including spectator behaviour and hooliganism
Drugs in sport
Sport and the Law


Knowledge and evaluation of contemporary issues for sport

Knowledge of the physiological and psychological impacts of PEDs
Evaluation of the reasons why performers use drugs in sport

Summer Term

Evaluating Contemporary Issues


Revision of all theoretical content

Examination Practice


Resources Topic Type of assessment
CAT 1 Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Skill Acquisition Written Examination

Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Biomechanics, Skill Acquisition

Written Examination
CAT 3 All Year 12 Content

Mock Examination


All Year 12 Content

Applied Exercise Physiology, Sports Psychology

Written Examination

2 Full A-Level Papers

Mock Examination

CAT 6 All A-Level Content Written Examination

Main Resources

Resource Details Term
Set texts

AQA A-Level PE Book 1: For A-level year 1 and AS. Carl Atherton et al. 2016. Hodder Education

My Revision Notes: AQA S-Level PE. Sue Young et al. 2017. Hodder Education

Recommended reading    
Recommended Websites


Enrichment opportunities

Activity Day and time or term
See extra-curricular timetables and associated fixtures All

Where Next
