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5 September 2024 Bi-Termly Meeting



Present: In Person - Chair Elli Dean, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members TE, MT, DW, NG, PB, ET-C, SR, KB, JC, VS and SW.

Via Teams: SC, SN, LE, OB, BP and SH.

Apologies from: AV, KS, SG and LE.

Discussion Points

Treasurers Info

  1. Confirmation of £6,701.64 in the bank account. (Treasure’s account £1642.77 plus Instant Account £5058.87).
  2. Monies raised from the Ball £TBC. The stripe account shows a £3520 balance, but the total monies raised will also need to include money raised from the cash raffle plus the ticket sales.
  3. No progress on access for BP and JC on the bank accounts. Suggested it may be worth an in person visit to Lloyds.
  4. Uniform sales are continuing to bring in a steady stream of income.


  1. AV to chase up Lloyds.
  2. Monies raised from the ball to be confirmed and shared with all at the AGM at the end of September.
  3. Charity Commission: should be the responsibility of either the secretary or the treasurer. To be discussed at the next meeting.

Funding Raising

  1. The American Barn (Ollie’s Barn). A joint fundraiser between The American Barn’s own charity and The Kings School PTFA. OC confirmed that the established lead time for organising an event is 6-8 weeks and the best time of year would be in the Summer (due to parking / weather conditions). OC requested we add this to the PTFA agenda in early 2025. More details can be found here
  2. All discussed having 2 events per year and all agreed having a summer event and a Winter event was a good idea. Ideally for 2025 a summer barn event and a winter ball.
  3. A Christmas Choc Fest discussed (in addition to the Easter one).
  4. Digital event / auction discussed as it worked so well for the summer ball.
  5. Regular Sponsors required – discussed local businesses, National Trust, Belvoir Castle, Team Lincolnshire / LEP.


  1. SH to investigate Team Lincolnshire / LEP further.
  2. Other PTFA members to reach out to previous sponsors with a view to regular sponsorships.

School Funding Requests

  1. The Drama Club asked for £319.48 for equipment. Approved.
  2. The PE department would like to replace their football kit for 4 teams. Total cost £1,200. Approved.
  3. The library would like to purchase some more manga books. Total cost £250. Approved.
  4. The Warhammer club requested £100 for some new paints and brushes. Cost £100. Approved.
  5. The Warhammer club also requested £200 for dungeons and dragons. Approved.


  1. A carry over request for another x30 French dictionaries. Left on the minutes as to be reviewed again in 2025.

Gold Club Card Report

  1. VS confirmed that we have received paperwork for 59 new applications from the new Year 7 parents, which is a record year.
  2. Confirmation that there are just under 400 current gold card members and the prize values will need to be increased when the numbers reach the next threshold.
  3. VS confirmed that unfortunately we have no contact details for three of the recent gold card prize draw winners. The names are D P Mann, H E Scorer and R C Harris. As we have no records, they are possibly parents / guardians of boys who are no longer at the school.



  1. VS to put the names out on the PTFA and Parents facebook pages to see if they can be traced. KB to do the same on the PTFA WhatsApp group to see if anyone knows them.

Outstanding Prizes from the summer ball

ED confirmed we have not had a reply from a M L Brown who won the £40 Everest Inn voucher. As it was a summer ball raffle it is likely that the person is a current parent / guardian, and the email went into a spam folder. Their name to be added to the WhatsApp group to see if we can trace them.

Second Hand Uniform Report

  1. TE confirmed the storage bin is full. There were quite a few enquiries over the summer holidays to the school PTFA email address. All agreed it was okay to put an ‘’out of office’’ on the email address over future holidays so anyone enquiring knows when their request will be seen and actioned.
  2. All agreed that a parent’s evenings are a good time to sell uniform and the PTFA can be invited on future dates.
  3. SP also suggested selling second hand uniform on PTFA evenings could be a good idea.

Any Other Business

  1. TE suggested that the PTFA support School Events if for any reason the parents’ contributions are short. SP confirmed this was helpful when they needed an extra bus for the Alton Towers Trip. All agree this was a good use of funds and this was accepted.
  2. All agreed PTFA funds are okay to be used as thank you gifts for help with events. All agreed having a max spend was also a good idea.
  3. Parentkind & Asda Cashpot for Schools (JC): no decision / no actions taken.

Diary Dates

This School Year PTFA meetings: All meetings are held at 6.30 pm in the Library.

  1. PTFA 2 AGM Wednesday 25th September 2024
  2. PTFA 3 Thursday 31st October 2024
  3. PTFA 4 Thursday 9th January 2025
  4. PTFA 5 Tuesday 25th February 2025
  5. PTFA 6 Thursday 24th April 2025
  6. PTFA 6 Tuesday 3rd June 2025


  • VS to chair the AGM on 25th September (and any other dates when ED is not available).
  • Annual Meal – proposed date is Thursday 9th January.

Where Next
