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04 June 2024 Bi-termly Meeting



Present: In Person: Chair Elli Dean, Headmaster Simon Pickett, PTFA members Paula, Jo, Kerry,  Elena, Sunju, Ollie and Tamsin.

Via Teams: Nick, Sally and Benita.

Apologies from: Vicky, Sarah, Sabeen, Michelle, Steph, Sandra, Donna, Adam, Shona and Lynne.

Discussion Points

Treasurers Information

  1. Confirmation of £8,299.77 in the PTFA bank account.
  2. Progress on Adam setting up Elli set up as signatory and with delegated access to use online banking, make payments, sign cheques etc and Kerry with read-only access for transparency. No update.
  3. Ref Treasurer’s handover from Adam to Benita and Jo – No progress yet.
  4. Sum up machine – Ollie set up the account (linked to PTFA bank account), no card reader, can be used on any mobile device by multiple users.


  1. Kerry to share details needed for transfer of Treasurer’s role with Benita and Jo so Adam can progress.
  2. Jo and Benita to investigate the cost of a sum-up machine.

School Funding Requests:

  1. Mr Lond requested portable stage lights plus x4 LED uplighters. Will be used for school events. Total cost £67 Approved via WhatsApp a couple of weeks earlier.
  2. No new funding requests.

Gold Club Card Report:

No update.

Second Hand Uniform Report

  1. Tamsin confirmed the current process is still working well.


  1. PTFA to sell second-hand uniform on the New Entrants' Parents Evening on 1st July.
  2. Request for 1 volunteer to help.

Summer Ball (Saturday 6th July 2024)

Summary of Donations


  1. Voucher for The Everest Inn Grantham.
  2. Voucher for Grantham Beauty Rooms.
  3. A voucher for 1hr of pickleball at Grantham Tennis club (for 4 or 8 people / weekend only booking)
  4. Two tickets for the Hidden Food Tours in Melton Mowbray.
  5. A £100 Marks and Spencer’s voucher
  6. A £50 Food/drink voucher from Moleface
  7. x2 tickets for a Murrayfield International
  8. Langar Skydive
  9. Grantham town football club – 4 tickets

Await confirmation:

  1. Train tickets from LNER (Tamsin), Cropwell Cheese (Nick/Lynne), England Rugby (Tamsin (expect something / not tickets)), Morrisons (Shona), Local MP (Tamsin)
  2. Other: An Amazon or a High Street Voucher from the PTFA.


Only 24 bookings to date (as at 4 June). We need 50 to make it viable.


  1. Tickets sales - we need 50 to make it viable.
  2. Elli to ask all PTFA members to purchase their tickets before the end of the week.
  3. All PTFA members who have/are on a year’s WhatsApp group to promote the ball.
  4. Simon to arrange for the school to contact all parents plus the new Y6 parents again.
  5. Simon also to ask if any teachers would like to attend.
  6. Online raffle – Nick and Benita to arrange.
  7. Donations above – when confirmed need splitting into online or in person prizes.
  8. Menu choices – deadline mid-June.

Any Other Business

  1. Parentkind: Discussions on buying membership.
  2. Ollie’s barn – is now ready to host a barn dance. Simon invited to view the venue with a view to holding a fundraising event in the next school year. Joint profit split between the PTFA and Ollie’s mental health charity.


  1. Parentkind – Kerry to provide a summary for review at the next meeting.  
  2. Ollie’s barn – to be put on the agenda for 26 June meeting.

Diary Dates

PTFA meeting: 6.15/6.30pm Wednesday 26 June 2024

Summer Ball: Saturday 6 July 2024

Where Next
