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Collection Development

Selecting resources

Within the budget available, the Library aims to ensure a balanced and comprehensive collection, with range and breadth, and in sufficient quantity to meet demand. It aims to balance material suitable to KS3, KS4 and KS5 use.

The fiction (both Junior and Senior) stock – organized alphabetically by author’s surname – is chosen to support the recreational reading of reluctant readers, regular readers of all ages including staff, and those who might be termed gifted and talented. Stock which is quizzable through the Accelerated Reader Programme will be identifiable through an additional blue book level sticker. The Library staff keep up-to-date with trends, series, Book Prizes and user suggestions, and monitor use to sustain an active, well-used stock.  Material deemed sexist, racist, homophobic or otherwise offensive or sexually explicit will not be accommodated. Sensitive material will be issued at staff discretion and a note will be made to parents in the student’s planner.

The non-fiction stock – organized into subject categories by a simplified Dewey Decimal System – is chosen to both support the delivery of the school’s curriculum and contribute to recreational reading. In addition to the regular non-fiction stock, the Library also maintains an extensive reference collection, a teaching staff CPD collection, a local history collection and project collections requested by subject departments.

Resource donations are always welcome, although items are added to stock at the discretion of the Library staff.  Book donations can also be used to supply the book swap boxes in the Library, form rooms and staff room, or are donated to charity.

Resource Requests & Recommendations

Recommendations from staff, students and other users are welcomed and encouraged at all times. The following factors will be considered in evaluating recommendations for new acquisitions:

  • Relevance to subjects taught, or expected to be taught, at The King’s School
  • The level and depth of the subject matter
  • Reviews
  • The knowledge, competence and reputation of the author/editor
  • Reputation of the publisher
  • Cost

Staff and students can request resources verbally or by email to  Providing as much information about the item as possible assists the ordering process, and including an advertisement or other source of information is always helpful. If the Library already owns a copy of the request, the Library staff will inform requesters that the Library already possesses the item.

Items are normally received and processed in the Library within four weeks of placing an order, depending on the availability of the item, unless a rush request is made for materials.

While we encourage requests from the school community and very rarely will a request be refused, it may not be possible to acquire specialised, excessively expensive titles, or books published in an unsuitable format for school library use. New stock which has been requested will be treated as a priority and will be catalogued, classified and made borrowable first when delivered to the Library.

IT Resources

The Library supports and is proactive in the development of e-learning methods throughout the whole school curriculum through the Library Webpage on the school’s website and SharePoint. The Library provides supervised use and support for 19 networked computers and a printer for research and word-processing. The online public access catalogue (AccessIt) is administered by Library staff to provide access to resources and borrower information, in addition to enabling borrowers to review library resources. Use of the IT equipment by students is regulated by the School IT Policy.

Equality & Inclusion – Providing Access For All

The Library seeks to be as inclusive as possible, with responsiveness to the school community need as a core value. This means providing, developing and reviewing services, including resources for all members of the school community.

As part of our mission statement, we aim to stock appropriate resources to meet the needs of all users regardless of age, faith, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity and to support our activities in promoting learning, reader development and social inclusion.

In particular, attention is paid to:

  • Supporting the school’s approach to mental health & wellbeing through provision of self-help books and mental health guide-books. The Library also liaises with the Mental Health & Wellbeing Leads
  • Reflecting the diversity of cultures in the school through both non-fiction and fiction resources; such fiction texts include a ‘Multi-Cultural’ spine label. The Library also liaises with the Equality & Diversity Committee
  • Supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. A range of books which reflect the needs of this community are provided. Regular liaison with the school’s PSHE Co-Ordinator and the LGBTQ+ club support this
  • Aiding lower ability / emergent readers through the ‘Easy Reader’ collection and regular purchasing of Barrington Stoke books. The Library liaises with the SEND Department
  • Aiding higher-ability learners through a comprehensive non-fiction collection, developed in collaboration with Subject Leaders to provide opportunities for stretch & challenge through wider reading
  • Supporting new Year 7 students - support for the transition from Primary to Secondary School through Accelerated Reader (continued in Year 8) and a form-time reading Programme

Where Next
