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Entry to Year 7 from September 2024

Candidates Who Apply Whilst in Year 7

Candidates who wish to apply for a place to join Year 7 after the beginning of the academic year when the student is already in Year 7 will be required to have qualified at 11+ through one of the Lincolnshire Consortium Grammar Schools, marked and standardised to the common Lincolnshire Consortium standard. It should be noted that the 11+ may only be taken once, be this in Year 6 or Year 7.

Those who attain the qualifying score (220+) in the tests will either:

  • be offered a place if there are any remaining
  • be placed on a reserve list, if all the places have been filled

Candidates who took the 11+ tests while in Year 6 and who did not achieve the qualifying score cannot apply for late entry into Year 7 but may re-apply for entry into Year 8 at the beginning of that academic year. If a place becomes available in that year group, they will be offered the opportunity to sit the school's entrance test.

Our admission policy for entry into current Year 7 can be found here

If you do wish to register your son to take these tests, should a place be available, please complete the form which can be downloaded from the bottom of this page and return to Miss Louise Bremner (Admissions Officer) at:

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