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Correspondence to Parents

Correspondence to Parents

Page 12

  • Year 10 Parents' Evening

    Tuesday 4th December 4.15pm -7.15pm

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  • Year 11 Mock Examination Booklet & Letter

    Please download the Year 11 Mock Examination Booklet to find out topics to be included in the examinations and revision strategies. 

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  • Year 7 Creative Approaches to Learning

    Year 7 Creative Approaches to Learning is scheduled for Monday 19th November from 5.00pm -5.45pm.  Please see the PDF for details.

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  • Year 11 Mock Examinations & Sixth Form Options Evening

    Mock Examinations will take place from Monday 3rd December until Friday 7th December.

    The Options Evening is scheduled to take place on Thursday 15th November from 6.30pm - 8.30pm for current students.  Prospective students are invited to attend an introductory talk at 5.30pm. 

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  • Careers Talk - Engineering in the RAF

    A Careers Talk on Engineering opportunities in the RAF will take place in the Old School on Wednesday 10 October from 4.30pm - 5.00pm.  Anyone interested in attending should return the reply slip to the School Office.  Please download the attachment for more information.

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  • Yr 12 Expectations Letter to parents

    Please see the pdf for details

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