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House System

Henry Moore's name carved into the Old School window frame

The King’s School House system aims to give students an identity and sense of pride in a supportive, secure environment. The Houses provide for positive competition and a closer rapport between students and teachers. The House system is an integral and vibrant part of the school's culture. The six core values of the school are used as a basis for celebration within the House System.

Houses compete with one another in an array of different activities throughout the academic year. These include sporting events, House Chess, House Debating, Countdown, House Photography and many more.   At the end of each term an inter-House competition is held for each year group.  This provides a focus for camaraderie and competition amongst the Houses.  A sense of fun and friendly competition is apparent at all the House events.

All boys try to gain House points through good work and good behaviour. This motivates the boys to work hard during lessons and complete their work to the best of their ability.  All House points awarded for any activity or event go towards the House Cup which is awarded each year to the House with the greatest number of points.  We also hold annual House celebrations such as the House Christmas Party and Awards Evening, which celebrates the positive contributions students have made to the House system throughout the academic year. 

There are also opportunities within each House for students to take on extra responsibilities.  One notable feature of the House system is the appointment of House captains, and House prefects, who assist in the organisation of the House events and fundraising activities for local charities.

The Houses are made up of students from all years; Year 7 through to Year 13. When you enter King’s you are allocated to one of six Houses. Each student will be expected to wear the school tie with his House colour.  The six Houses and their corresponding colours are:

The Houses

House Colour
Burleigh Blue
Curteis Red
Foxe Yellow
More White
Newton Green
School Black

If your grandfather, father, uncle or elder brother attended King’s, you may elect to be placed in the same House as your relative. 

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