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Year 9 History Curriculum

Key topics to be taught this year: The 20th Century

Topic Further details about the topic
Autumn Term


Why women gained the vote? 

Students will explore the causes, experiences and consequences of WW1, examining previously untold stories.

Students will explore women’s suffrage and develop their understanding of causation.

Spring Term

Hitler and Stalin


The Holocaust

Students will develop their understanding of similarities and differences by analysing Hitler and Stalin.

Students will explore the causes and experiences of WW2.

Students will learn about the causes, events and impacts of the Holocaust.

Summer Term

Why did the British Empire decolonise?

The Cold War

LGBTQ+ History

Racial injustice

Students build on their understanding of the British Empire and causation.

Students learn about the causes and the events of the Cold War.

Students learn about LGBTQ+ History through the critical use of historical sources.

Students explore racial injustice in the 20th century.


  Topic Type of Assessment

Topics studied to date.

Factual recall, chronology, extended writing.

CAT 2 Topics studied to date.

Factual recall, chronology, extended writing.

Main Resources

Resource Details
Recommended Reading

The World’s War by David Olusoga

Rise up Women! By Diane Atkinson

Empireland by Sathnam Sanghera

Black and British by David Olusoga

Enrichment opportunities

Activity or trip Day and time or term

Trip to the Holocaust Centre in Newark

Spring Term
Trip to the Battlefields of Belgium and France Summer Term

Where Next
